Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stress Release Number One .

Judi, You are no longer my bestfriend. I continuously give you chances and you let me down. Should I begin to explain?
-I told you something, you told someone else, I almost got jumped.
-I gave you money, you never payed me back. It's only $5, no big deal. But it's the fact that I gave you money and you don't have the balls to pay me back. kCoool.
-I told you something else, you twisted my words yet again, and now your so called "friends" don't like me.
Add them to my list because making enemies are easier than making friends. *
With that said, have a nice fuckin life. And even if you try coming back to fix everything, You're a snake and I don't need people like you to hold me back. kThanks :)

<3 *

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