Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

My best friend is Elizabeth Singer <3

This girll has been there throuughh it all ! We started cheering together many , many , many moons ago & I was her backspot. We still cheer together , ( Not so sure if we're continuing our cheering together :( ) but I'm still her backspot and regardlessss I always have her back ( ; In like seventh grade I dated her brother and when we ended our relationship I remember thinking and worrying about my relationship with her. I lost one relationship that I cherished and kept close to my heart and I wasn't abouutta loose another. I tell her soo much that I kinda think she knows me better than myself. I know that wherever life takes us , We'll still be close at heart and we'll alwayss find a way to talk or get together. I thought that this summer was gunna be just like the rest , where I never see her anymore and we hardly talk . But both of us text each other and try to communicate in any way possible and I see her a lotttttt ( : E , I love you !!

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