Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 5 — Your dreams

My dreams ? They have all come true .

Well , most of them(:

I've been cheering since 2nd grade, and i think that's an extremely long time. Cheerleading is my life<3 and i wouldn't trade it for the world. Once i entered high school i knew that i wanted to be captain for freshman cheering , jv , and varsity. The only problem is that on varsity, juniors are generally not captain. It's always seniors and its been that way since i could remember. Well , this year , as i enter my junior year , I am varisty captain<3 That was one of my biggest dreams and it came true.
Now that i'm captain , i couldn't be any happier. But , as i think about it , i want to be captain my senior year. It would be absolutely amazing to be senior captain. Not gonna lie , being homecoming queen would be amazing aswell (; But those dreams just sparked up recently. So i'll keep dreaming and hopefully next year my dreams could come true.
On another note , there's one dream that has yet to come true or even partially come true. I'd like to have a boyfriend , more than anything right now. I'm honestly afraid that if i don't find someone soon that i'll just be alone forever. When i say that people think i'm crazy , but its how i feel. Everyone has their 'high school sweethearts' and then there's just Me. I have everything i ever wanted, i'm a strong and independent woman and i know i don't need a man in my life to make me happy .. But honestly? It wouldn't hurt to have someone to keep me warm at night, someone i could run to to tell all my stories to, and just someone to kiss me and mean it <3

Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative)

Helene ;
I love you double-much. I remember all the times we spent together but now that's all gone. We hardly have any good times together anymore and I hate it, butwhatever. When you were just w/ Aaron everything was pretty good but now w/ Aidan there's no time for anything. I'm not trying to be selfish but I reallly wish you had more time for me. I guess those college trips we were planning are just going down the drain.

Janet ;
I love you. But i think something fishy is going on and you won't tell me letalone anyone for that matter. Regardless I always stand by your side. I think you should know by now that Vincent is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You do so much for me i really don't know how i could ever thank you.

Stephanie ;
It's safe to say we hate eachother and that we don't get along. Lmao but seriously, i never liked you and i still think you were switched at birth but whateverrr. I hate all the things you do and the desicions you make. I reallly don't know why you do half the things you do. I love leighla and orion , don't get me wrong , but you're ridiculous for wanting to move again for the like seventh time and if you marry chris and have any other kids .. you best believe i'm personally kicking you out of the family <3